We are building useful bibliographies on various topics in the field of Jewish art, architecture, monuments, and historic preservation. These will be expanded regularly. If you like to help compile bibliographies on topics or if you would like to annotate these lists by providing brief comments on or reviews to any item listed please send your comments to [email protected] — SDG
There are thousands of useful links that will take to you a variety of sites offering broad information and site-specific details. We have chosen a selection of links that can help you research a project, refine of proposal, or help you create a travel itinerary. Our primary focus is on sites that provide content about Jewish material culture and physical space — SDG
General Reference (Jewish)
General Reference (Art & Architecture)
General Reference (Historic Preservation)
Synagogue Art & Architecture (General)
Synagogue Art & Architecture (Europe)
Synagogue Art & Architecture (United States)
Jewish Archaeology
Jewish Art & Museums
Jewish Cemeteries
Holocaust Sites, Art, Monuments & Museums
Historic Signage and Markers
Immigration History
Tourism & Travel